Basic Obedience Training
Our Basic Obedience program focuses on teaching your dog to be a good citizen in your home and in public. This program covers the basic commands: sit, come to call, ignore distractions, place training, off leash training, and other custom behaviors you need them to know. We will work with your dog around strangers, other dogs, spilled food, toys, control in urban settings, and any other areas your dog needs practice.
Through the training, we will teach you and your dog how to be successful using balanced methods of reinforcement and find the right blend that is best for your dog’s learning. Above everything, we want the training to be clear to both you and your dog and build team confidence, not confusion.
Every dog learns at their own pace. Normally, your dog stays with us for 4 weeks to 8 weeks of training depending on their age, breed, disposition, and if additional behaviors are to be taught. During the week, your dog stays at our training center and receives at least two training sessions each day. The length of each session varies depending on the task, location, and other factors. Staying with us during the week helps build security and a routine that will help your dog’s confidence in their training.
Weekends: You will have the option to take your dog home on weekends, if you choose, or your dog may stay with us at the training center throughout the program. Some families prefer to have their dog stay with us and others prefer to take them home on weekends. Either arrangement is fine with us.
Training the owner: Owners are required to schedule one-on-one training lessons with their dog’s trainer. We want you to fully understand what your dog has learned and give you the skills to help your dog’s continued success. Our goal is to answer all of your questions and coach you through the dog handling skills so that you are fully comfortable handling your dog.
Follow up: We are always available for follow up questions and lessons if you need to brush up training and/or handling skills. When or if something unusual were to happen, we want you to know that we are available to help you find solutions. Sometimes when dog owners change schedules or move to new locations it can affect the behavior of their dog. We are available to
give advice and answer any questions you may have.
Bird and Gun Introduction
A fun program for your dog that will build their confidence on retrieving birds, and create a positive association with the gun. Your dog will gain experience handling dead birds, wounded birds, and shot flyers. This program teaches your dog that the sound of the gun means something fun, not something scary. It is also a great program to help mitigate the negative effects of fireworks, and other loud noises that cause anxiety. When the weather permits, your dog will also receive an introduction to entering water for a retrieve.
Puppies 5-7 months old are ideal, but older dogs that lack experience or require basic instruction are also suitable candidates for this program.

Intermediate Training
Retrievers: 10 weeks of training for dogs eight months of age and older.
This program focuses on off-leash obedience, retrieving and fetching skills. Your dog will also upland game hunt, learn to work a field in a controlled manner, flush game birds, tracking, remote collar conditioning, and finished delivery to hand on a fallen bird. Your dog will also be trained on waterfowl and/or dove hunting. Your dog also opportunities with marked retrieves, swimming skills, introduction to boats, blinds, live ducks, decoys, steady to shot, and finished delivery to hand out of the water.
Pointers: 12 weeks of training for dogs eight months of age and older.
This program focuses on off-leash obedience, retrieving and fetching skills, pointing skills (steadiness), and upland hunting skills including learning to work a field in a controlled manner, pointing live game birds, remote collar conditioning, and finished delivery to hand on a fallen bird.
Advanced Training
For retrievers that have completed Intermediate Program or equivalent. Your dog will be trained at advanced levels including multiple marked retrieves, handling skills, and advanced obedience control. Now that the basics are finished we will truly bring out the best in your dog. This program focuses heavily on “blind retrieves”. If you plan on running your dog through hunt tests, this is the program for you.

Private Customized Training
Any level of training. By appointment only.